Delivery & Returns
The products will generally be delivered by our trusted express Courier within 7 business days of the order confirmation date.
Once your package is shipped from our warehouse, you will receive an email with your Tracking Number to follow its progress.
Taxes and import duties are included in shipping costs. You will not be charged further on arrival.
Products shall be delivered to the address indicated by you in the order form at the checkout. We are not responsible for any delivery problems arising due to incomplete or incorrect address details provided.
Poubel accepts returns or exchanges of products purchased from within 14 days of the delivery confirmation date.
The products must be returned in their original condition. Unaltered, unused and undamaged in their original packaging. All returns and exchanges are subject to a quality assurance inspection process before they are accepted.
Any product with signs of wear, damage, or alteration, or without original packaging, cannot be accepted.
You may be held liable in the case of depreciation of the value of the product as a result of handling that is not consistent with preservation of the nature, characteristics of the products.
If you decide to return your order, please complete the Online Return Form by filling in the requested information: Full Name, Phone Number, Order Number and Type of Return: Return for Exchange, Return for Refund.
Return For Exchange
When available in stock, you may exchange your product for another variant of the same model originally purchased or with a new style with an equal or greater value only.
We will not exchange merchandise for items of lesser or greater value.
Please indicate the new style within the Online Return Form.
To initiate a return, complete the Online Return Form.
After receiving your exchange request, we will email you a pre-paid return label with instructions to return the piece you would like to exchange.
Once your returned piece has been received and processed, you will receive an additional email to cover the second shipment cost and confirm the delivery address. Shipment will be then processed 3-5 business days after receiving the payment.
Return For Refund
To initiate a return, complete the Online Return Form.
After receiving your return request, we will email you a courtesy return label together with instructions to return the piece.
Once your returned piece has been received and it is deemed compliant to our conditions and requirements, we will proceed with a refund which may take up to 14 days to process.
Please kindly note that the shipping cost of the return will be deducted from the refund and all the prior shipping costs are not refundable.
Your refund will be credited back to the same method of payment used to make the original purchase on once the returned products are received and passed our quality insurance inspection.