• Handle with care

    Always handle your silver and enamel jewellery gently to prevent chipping or scratching.

  • Avoid exposure to chemicals

    Keep your jewellery away from chemicals, including perfumes, cosmetics, and cleaning products, to protect both the silver and enamel finishes.

  • Temperature considerations

    Protect your jewellery from extreme temperatures, as they can affect both the silver and enamel. Avoid exposing them to excessive heat or cold.

  • Store properly

    Store your jewellery in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and humidity. Use separate pouches or compartments to prevent pieces from rubbing together or scratching.

  • Beware of impact

    Avoid banging or hitting your jewellery against hard surfaces to prevent damage to the enamel.

  • Wear with care

    Be mindful when wearing your jewellery, especially during physical activities. Remove it when doing strenuous tasks or sports to avoid potential damage.

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